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Solutions For Governments

Our Services/Solutions For Governments

Government Learning and Public Sector Training

The demand for federal employee training programs Integrated. Agile. Transformational. Optimized. These are the characteristics of public sector learning in the future. And the future is now. Why? Because jobs are rapidly changing, which means new skills and capabilities are needed today. IBDL learning group is leading the movement to build a learning ecosystem that delivers unique, data-driven employee training and leadership programs that empower everyone to learn, develop, and succeed.

Transformation Vision for Government Learning

Creating a culture of learning is central to the future of work. It's also key to shaping an agency into a more adept and agile employer. Explore IBDL learning group's five critical components to successfully building a new government learning ecosystem, plus, case studies to help you accelerate your learning transformation journey.

Learning strategy and organizational assessments

Deloitte?s latest Government & Public Services (GPS) Human Capital Trends report shows that 69 percent of survey respondents see redesigning jobs for their organizations as important?with 32 percent reporting they?re ready to transform jobs substantially. The half-life of most professional skills has shrunk to three years. In the face of resource constraints, how can organizations maintain pace with this evolving landscape? Leaders who use data to continuously assess their learning and development needs, approaches, and impact are better able to reskill and upskill their employees to meet changing situations.

Learning reporting and analytics

Fifty-nine percent of organizations in our 2020 Human Capital Trends report indicated the need for additional information to understand the readiness of their workforce to meet new demands, while 38 percent said that identifying needs and priorities is the greatest barrier to workforce development.
Evaluation tools linked to mission-focused measurement systems and skill records can help government organizations connect results to workforce skills, identifying the need for upskilling and reskilling to meet organizational goals.
By assisting agencies to drive their own data analytics initiatives and evidence-based decision-making, IBDL learning group empowers them to target investment strategies to close employee skills gaps for current and future mission requirements.

Learning technology

One percent of a work week?that?s the typical time employees have for training and development. Yet, work and learning are more interconnected than ever, as technology transforms how employees access knowledge and learning resources while on the job:

  • Innovative delivery methods such as advanced simulations, artificial intelligence, and cognitive computing support high-quality learning, anywhere and at any time
  • Object-based learning content management systems enable organizations to continuously evolve and improve while managing scarce learning resources
  • Digital assessments embedded in learning delivery, with badging to record key milestones in skills attainment, allow leaders to monitor their workforce capabilities in real time to close gaps and help employees achieve their career goals
IBDL learning group can integrate tools across a shared-services-based learning ecosystem, helping agencies create programs that optimize and increase access to internal and external resources.

Learning design and development

Seventy-three percent of survey respondents in our 2020 Global Human Capital Trends report identified ?work organizations? as most responsible for workforce development?outranking workers, educational institutions, governments, and professional associations and unions. Still, organizations are challenged to meet the diverse needs of a multigenerational, distributed workforce within constrained budgets while supporting employees through their changing career progression and life stage needs. IBDL learning group brings a breadth of learning and leadership frameworks and tools that support employees through their entire work life cycle.


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